Learning Spanish By Total Immersion Program | HomeSchoolToGo

It had been more than six years since I had studied Spanish in high school or spoken more than a few Spanish phrases when I first arrived in Spain. I thought I'd forgotten everything until I boarded a train from Girona to Barcelona.

At first, I was mostly listening to the Spanish speakers around me to see if I remembered anything. After about 10 minutes, I began to pick up on a few words here and there. I could understand bits and pieces of sentences and conversations by the end of the 40-minute ride, and by the end of my two weeks in Spain, I felt confident speaking basic sentences again. Part of the language had returned to me as a result of my efforts to immerse myself in it as much as possible during that trip.

It may be intimidating to dive headfirst into learning Spanish by surrounding oneself with native speakers, but anyone who is fluent in a second language will tell you that Total immersion is the most efficient method to learn it.

Why Study Spanish Through Immersion?

Learning Spanish vocabulary and verb conjugations in your native country could be the first step in discovering a new way to convey your thoughts, ideas, and emotions in Spanish. However, in order to properly understand how native speakers interact, you must first live in a country where Spanish is the primary language.

One of the best parts about an immersion program is that many of them include a homestay, in which you will live with a family, share meals together, and possibly go on trips together. With a homestay, you'll get a firsthand look at how people live in the nation where you're studying.

Immersion is also efficient, making it an excellent option if you want or need to learn Spanish quickly. During high school in California, I studied Spanish for four years and learned enough to get by when I traveled to Spain. However, after only three months of living in Italy as part of a language immersion program, I was comfortable enough to hold full conversations. An immersion program may be right for you if you want to learn Spanish for work or school, or if you want the experience of learning in a country where it is the native language.

What to Think About When Choosing a Spanish Language Program

One of the most exciting elements about studying Spanish is that you have nearly two dozen nations to pick from across four continents if you choose to study in a country where it is the native language. It may also be the most difficult component of learning Spanish!

While the fundamental language will be the same across all countries where it is spoken, accents, dialects, and terminology will differ depending on where you are in the world. If you intend to utilize Spanish for work or have a certain nation or region in mind where you'd like to live or study in the future, it's preferable to enroll in an immersion program in that country. Examine the map to see where you could be studying in Europe, North America, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean!

Immersion programs range in length from a few weeks to a few months, and it's critical to choose one that fits your schedule and language aspirations. While you are unlikely to become fluent in a few weeks, short-term programs might help you determine whether you want to spend an extended period of time studying Spanish in a specific region. Another issue to consider is whether you want to live in a city, prefer a more rural setting, or want to supplement your language study with volunteering or work.


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