The Benefits of Homeschooling | HomeSchoolToGo

 Parents were asked why they decided to homeschool their children in the survey and the interview. Three questions in the survey provided an answer to this:

(a) "Can you tell me why you decided to homeschool your children?"

(b) "What is the most important reason?" and

c) "How do you intend to homeschool your children?"

The interviewees were asked why they decided to homeschool their children and what they liked.

They see the advantages of homeschooling. The sections that follow will explain the

responses in the survey and interviews to these questions

Why did they decide to Homeschool?

Participants were asked to answer the following questions in response to the first question about why they chose to homeschool:

Answer yes or no to each of the eight reasons, with a ninth option to write in a different sense.

Reason. The following were the most popular reasons for homeschooling:

  • apprehension about the school climate;

  • dissatisfaction with other schools' academic instruction;

  • to provide moral guidance; and

  • a desire to take a different approach.

Over 65 percent of those who took part chose all of these reasons. The reasons chosen

The following were mentioned by less than 40% of the participants: to provide religious instruction, to meet.

Special needs, as well as to address a physical or mental health issue. Furthermore,

More than half of the participants came up with additional reasons for their behavior and wrote them down.

Homeschooling. The responses have been sorted into categories to categorize them.

Categories. A single written response was counted if it included more than one category.

It is appropriate for each category.

Academic (18%) was the most common category for written responses.

Descriptions) as well as family life (14 descriptions). Responses that are appropriate for an academic setting

The desire to focus on specific subjects, individualized instruction and other factors fell into this category.

encourage a love of learning and meet specific academic requirements for moving at a slower pace working at a higher level of difficulty The responses that fall into the category of family lifestyle

included descriptions of schedule flexibility and relational bonding (parent-child, parent-child, parent-child, parent-child, parent-child, parent-child, parent-

Siblings). In addition, one reason for dissatisfaction with public schools, three reasons for dissatisfaction with public transportation, and three reasons for dissatisfaction with public transportation were described. language, and two health-related descriptions

The three language-related reasons mentioned in the survey were as follows:

the excerpts that follow

  • "We speak eight languages:) no school can provide that in a week." In addition, we "Research four more."

  • "Language - we wanted to take the French course as well."

  • "to learn new languages and play music."

The Most Vital Reason to Homeschool

The participants were asked to answer the following questions about why they chose to homeschool in the second survey question about reasons to Homeschool.

Please choose the most important reason from the list of previously marked reasons.

For homeschooling, These are the most important reasons for, in order of importance, from most important to least important.

The following were the results of homeschooling, based on the number of responses:

  • a student who is dissatisfied with the academic instruction received at other schools;

  • wishing to take a non-traditional approach

  • a response to the previous question's written-in reason

  • to impart religious knowledge

  • apprehension about the school climate

  • to meet the needs of people with disabilities and

  • to impart moral instruction

More than half of the participants identified either of these options when asked this question.

dissatisfaction with other schools or a desire to try something new as their most important factor

a compelling reason to educate your children at home


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