Key Benefits Of Sustainable Packaging Materials | SirePrinting

 That is not to say that everyone has jumped on board. It is all too easy to overlook how various departments within a company can contribute to environmental stewardship.

It is not always necessary to make drastic changes in business practices. Simple changes can have a big impact. Being sustainable packaging materials has numerous advantages. Going greener with packaging has numerous advantages.

Sustainability is a critical factor in Industrial Packaging. Throughout our six decades in business, we have discovered what true sustainability in packaging looks like. In this article, we will look at the top six advantages of eco-friendly packaging.

1. A Reduced Carbon Footprint

Many consumers are concerned about their environmental impact. This impact is directly related to the products they purchase. And it has an impact on the brands they choose to be loyal to.

Consider the commonplace plastic bag or the once-ubiquitous plastic straw. Consumer calls to end these items have resulted in many businesses removing these long-lasting materials from their packaging or product offerings as a result of customer demands over the last few years.

Once you've made the switch to green packaging, you can incorporate it into how you market your products. This will assist you in capitalising on the corporate responsibility of your brand.

Aside from the obvious business reasons, your company should think about implementing eco-friendly packaging materials and processes. Why? Because when they do, it begins to lessen the negative effects on the environment.

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted when using fossil fuels is referred to as the carbon footprint. You can reduce your CO2 emissions whether you believe in global warming or not. You can accomplish this by reducing the amount of packaging required to complete your finished goods. Overall, that is a fantastic thing!

According to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, one of the main concerns that many consumers have about the packaging of the products they buy is the carbon footprint.

Talk to any packaging manufacturer today, and they will almost certainly confirm the growing consumer demand for more environmentally friendly packaging. Assume you want to meet the needs of modern consumers. In that case, you should keep an eye out for items like compostable packaging, packaging waste reduction, biodegradable plastic, and eco-friendly custom packaging options.

The weight of your packaging materials has a direct impact on the amount of energy required to manufacture your products. It also has an impact on the amount of energy required to transport them to the retailer or end-user. Making the switch to a lighter-weight material can help reduce 

your carbon footprint.

2. Eco-Friendly Packaging Provides More Storage and Space

Are you attempting to make your packaging more environmentally friendly? You're probably thinking of new ways to be more efficient with your packaging. When you switch to eco-friendly packaging, you gain space.

This includes the amount of space required for transportation. When you have more space, you can ship more products while still lowering your freight costs. This reduces the number of transports you must make, saving you money in the long run.

Furthermore, with a smaller finished goods footprint, less storage space is required. This additional space provides you with numerous options, including the ability to expand your product line. It will allow you to use the available space for various projects that you could not previously implement.

The smaller package footprint also allows for more shelf space. This gives you more leeway in deciding where to place your product. It also enables more creative displays.

3. Allergens and toxins are not present in eco-friendly packaging.

The vast majority of biodegradable packaging options are non-toxic and allergy-free. However, biodegradable flexible packaging options are limited. They are, however, available and on their way to becoming more so. Some bio-plastics can be processed using the same machinery as standard flexible materials. This facilitates the transition.

People are becoming increasingly concerned about the products they purchase (and what they are made of). Furthermore, they are concerned about the potential harm to their health and well-being. Bio-plastic is better for consumer safety and health. It also gives a consumer more reason to purchase your product.

4. Green packaging saves resources.

Green packaging can also reduce the amount of energy required to package a product or make the actual packaging. It has the potential to reduce solid waste, water consumption, electricity consumption, and emissions.

Despite the fact that flexible packaging is more environmentally friendly than most rigid packaging, some people oppose it. Those who are unaware of packaging life cycles are the majority. Plastics, on the other hand, have an advantage in terms of lowering the carbon footprint.

According to a 2014 study conducted by Franklin Associates, A Division of Eastern Research Group (ERG) for the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA), When compared to other packaging materials, plastic packaging allows for weight savings of up to 78 percent.

14.4 million metric tonnes of plastic packaging were used in 2010. More than 64 metric tonnes of material would be required if alternative packaging was used.

The substitute sustainable packaging materials would necessitate more than 80% more cumulative energy demand and a 130% increase in global warming impact. This equates to adding more than 15.7 million vehicles to our roads!


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